PMPS Sensory Relay System

The largest control innovation that these fighters use is the piezo-matrix pressure system embedded in the helmet. This matrix applies pressure to the head of the pilot in precise points relative to the positions of objects outside of the ship. Different pressures signify the range of the object from the fighter and different pulse patterns provide dangerous objects. While confusing at first, pilots quickly learn how to use it. With practice, this acts as a simple additional sense for the pilot allowing him to 'feel' all of the ships around it. It provides the pilot with large amounts of information in a non-distracting way that allows the pilot to keep his other senses open for use in other systems. The movement of the head is also tracked and the positions are moved relative to the way the helmet is facing.

Eye Cursor System

This system allows the pilot to lock targets by looking at them and hitting a button. It also allows the pilot to guide the ship by looking the direction he wants to go and activating another control. Readouts that are looked at are enlarged for improved reading, and shrunk down out of the way when they are not looked at decreasing distraction. This system allows extensive control and maximum relay of data in the right times.

Thought Reflex System

Another system installed in the helmet, this uses an ultra-sensitive EM detection matrix to sense the field emissions of the brain. The computer can recognise certain thought patterns and act on them. This eliminates the time for the mind to trigger the finger movement, the time for the fingers to do the needed action, etc. It provides a rapid response in emergency situations where those precious milliseconds can count. A well-trained pilot can even use this system to control the fighters motion and weapons. This provides split-second response to situations. The conventional controls are used by less seasoned pilots and as symbolic grips and error corrective mechanisms. The pilot has to 'train' the computers to his thought patterns as he learns how it works. This data can then be backed up and transferred between fighters.

Emergency Mechanical Controls

In the case of a complete power failure, mechanical control is available by a second set of controls and fibre optic 'scopes'. A helmet attachment connected to a complex optical system connected to several fibre optical scopes provides visual abilities. The controls open gas valves for manoeuvring systems and conventional chemical rockets. While this provides no tactical use, it allows a heavily damaged fighter to stumble back to the carrier. Without power, the re-breather systems cannot work so there is a very limited supply of air, however it gives some hope to the pilot.

Operation Principles